Ofc. Tom Fetzer

Officer Fetzer obtained his motorcycle endorsement at the age of 18 in 1989 and has ridden motorcycles for more than 30 years. He joined the Greensboro Police Department in July 2010. After serving in a patrol function for over 2 years he joined the Community Resource Team's "Strike Team". The Strike Team was as street level enforcement team with a focus on drugs, wanted subjects and any major call that was "in progress." The Strike Team orchestrated and assisted with many search warrants. In addition, the team initiated a bait car program. Due to a change of direction within the department the Strike Team was dissolved and Officer Fetzer submitted a request to join the Motor Unit. Officer Fetzer was selected among approximately 20 applicants and attended a very intensive 2 week motor school at the North Carolina Highway Patrol driver training facility. The school consisted of 8 students with 4 of the students either failing or getting injured to the point they could not continue. After passing and obtaining his certificate Officer Fetzer solidified his position on the unit. The Greensboro Motor Unit performs daily traffic enforcement efforts in addition to assisting with several dignitary, funeral and charity ride events. The Greensboro Motor Unit rides year round enduring extreme cold and extreme heat conditions. In addition to riding at work Officer Fetzer also rides in his personal time.

Ofc. Tom Fetzer
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Return to Greensboro Police Department
Greensboro Police Department BikeSafe Assessors:
Cpl. Sean Patterson
Site Coordinator
Cpl. Deon Carter
Ofc. Tom Fetzer
Ofc. Carl Hubbard
Sgt. Andrew Muldowney
Ofc. Austin Schoonmaker