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Number of Classes Taught: 0
Number of Attendees: 0
Site Coordinator:
Lt. Daniel Barale
Site Coordinator:
Chief Chris Beddingfield
Site Coordinator:
Cpl. Scott Bell
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Andrew Brack
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Scott Bramley
Site Coordinator:
Cpl. James Burns
Site Coordinator:
Lt. Robert Cantwell
Site Coordinator:
Cpl. Tyler Chelenza
Regional Coordinator:
Sgt. Grady Christie
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Elijah Cox
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Brian Detweiler
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. Larry Donegain
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Scott Elliott
Site Coordinator:
Dep. Brandon Fike
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Justin Fleming
Regional Coordinator:
Sgt. Scott Fry
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. Keith Garner
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Casey Garrison
Site Coordinator:
Dep. Oliver Grimes
Site Coordinator:
Lt. Dustin Grooms
Site Coordinator:
Capt. Jose Gutierrez
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Joshua Hammond
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. William Henning
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Eric Hurley
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Scott Johnson
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. Adam Jones
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. Alan Laws
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Joshua Lefevers
Regional Coordinator:
Sgt. Aaron Lemon
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Danny Leung
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. William Line
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Anthony Locklear
Site Coordinator:
Trp. Chris Maher
Site Coordinator:
Cpl. Brendan McInerney
Site Coordinator:
Trp. Brandon McRae
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Chris Melochick
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Brad Meyers
Site Coordinator:
Lt. Grant Nelson
Site Coordinator:
Cpl. Sean Patterson
Site Coordinator:
Dep. Garry Perry
Regional Coordinator:
Ofc. Nick Piatek
Site Coordinator:
Dep. David Pilcher
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. Scott Pruett
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Craig Raymond
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Christopher Santiago
Site Coordinator:
Walter Sellers
Regional Coordinator:
Sgt. Joshua Sheets
Site Coordinator:
Cpl. Patrick Sherrill
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. James Smallwood III
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. Nicholas Southern
Site Coordinator:
Dep. Vance Stewart
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Terry Troutman
Site Coordinator:
Sgt. Mike Vesely
Site Coordinator:
Dep. Dustin Walston
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Andrew Walters
Site Coordinator:
Ofc. Tyrell White
Site Coordinator:
Lt. Brian Whitehurst
Site Coordinator:
Cpl. Kirk Whittle
Regional Coordinator:
Lt. Phillip Williams
Site Coordinator:
Lt. Andy Wilson
Site Coordinator:
Lt. Frank Young
BikeSafe Assessors:
Ofc. Dennis Abels
Trp. Dedrick Anders
Ofc. Justin Anderson
Lt. Craig Apple
Trp. Josh Bailey
Sgt. Charles Bain
Lt. Daniel Barale
Lt. Dan Battjes
Chief Chris Beddingfield
Cpl. Scott Bell
Dep. Taylor Beverly
Ofc. Cameron Blair
Cpl. Stephen Boissey
Sgt. Adam Bondarek
Ofc. John Boone
Capt. Benny Boykin
Ofc. Andrew Brack
Lt. Bryant Brame
Ofc. Scott Bramley
Dep. Aaron Brock
Ofc. Brian Broos
Ofc. John Brown
Sgt. Nick Bruining
Cpl. James Burns
Lt. Robert Cantwell
Ofc. Adam Carpenter
Cpl. Deon Carter
Cpl. James Carter
Trp. Ceon Cayco
Ofc. Brock Chambers
Cpl. Tyler Chelenza
Sgt. Grady Christie
Ofc. Andrew Clark
Lt. Mark Clemens
Sgt. Steven Cohn
Cpl. Allan Corthell
Ofc. Elijah Cox
Sgt. Justin Cox
Trp. Christopher Cross
Ofc. Kris Culin
Ofc. Brian Detweiler
Cpl. Mouhamadou Dime
Lt. David Dombrowski
Sgt. Larry Donegain
Ofc. Dillon Dunn
Ofc. Adam Eldridge
Ofc. Scott Elliott
Capt. Jarod Ewers
Ofc. Tom Fetzer
Dep. Brandon Fike
Trp. Blake Fisher
Ofc. Justin Fleming
Cpl. Tony Frazier
Sgt. Scott Fry
Ofc. Aaron Fulton
Sgt. Keith Garner
Ofc. Casey Garrison
Ofc. Matthew Garvin
Ofc. Robert Gerringer
Sgt. Duwayne Gibbs
Ofc. Alex Goins
Dep. Oliver Grimes
Lt. Dustin Grooms
Capt. Jose Gutierrez
Ofc. Joshua Hammond
Dep. Randall Harris
Dep. T Mick Hart
Sgt. William Henning
Sgt. Greg Holding
Ofc. Carl Hubbard
Sgt. Rodney Huffstickler
Ofc. Eric Hurley
Ofc. Joo Hwang
Dep. Kayla Inman
Ofc. Gavin Jackson
Trp. Samuel Johnson
Ofc. Scott Johnson
Sgt. Adam Jones
Ofc. Ryan Jones
Dep. Brian Joyner
Lt. Mark Ketchum
Ofc. Matthew Lahey
Ofc. Chino Lai
Ofc. Eric LaRowe
Ofc. David Lawing
Sgt. Alan Laws
Ofc. Matthew Leahey
Ofc. Joshua Lefevers
Sgt. Aaron Lemon
Ofc. Danny Leung
Ofc. Corwin Lewis
Sgt. William Line
Ofc. Anthony Locklear
Sgt. Michael Loukos
Trp. Chris Maher
Trp. Jacob Mann
Cpl. Brendan McInerney
Trp. Brandon McRae
Ofc. Chris Melochick
Ofc. Brad Meyers
Ofc. Collin Miller
Ofc. Felix Monterrosa
Dep. James Moreau
Sgt. Andrew Muldowney
Lt. Grant Nelson
Ofc. David Newton
Cpl. Sean Patterson
Dep. Garry Perry
Ofc. Nick Piatek
Dep. David Pilcher
Ofc. Dustin Preston
Ofc. Mark Price
Sgt. Mike Prince
Sgt. Scott Pruett
Dep. Keith Quinn
Capt. AT Rankin
Ofc. Craig Raymond
Sgt. Paul Reinas
Sgt. Mike Ring
Sgt. Kenneth Robinson
Ofc. Hayden Ross
Ofc. Rachaud Russell
Ofc. Regis Sanner
Ofc. Christopher Santiago
Ofc. Austin Schoonmaker
Walter Sellers
Trp. Daniel Sharpe
Sgt. Joshua Sheets
Ofc. Ben Sherrill
Sgt. Jonathan Sherrill
Cpl. Patrick Sherrill
Dep. Preston Shue
Ofc. Christopher Singletary
Sgt. James Smallwood III
Lt. Chris Smith
Sgt. Jeffrey Smith
Ofc. Jack Snow
Ofc. Casey Snyder
Sgt. Nicholas Southern
Ofc. Paul Spicer
Dep. Vance Stewart
Dep. Zac Tatham
Sgt. Brian Temple
Dep. Ronnie Thomas
Ofc. Rashaud Trice
Dep. Richard Triplett
Ofc. Terry Troutman
Capt. Stason Tyrrell
Ofc. Chris Vela
Sgt. Mike Vesely
Sgt. Kevin Wallace
Dep. Dustin Walston
Ofc. Amanda Walters
Ofc. Andrew Walters
Ofc. Tyrell White
Lt. Brian Whitehurst
Cpl. Kirk Whittle
Capt. Steve Wilkins
Ofc. Jim Willauer
Sgt. Aaron Williams
Lt. Phillip Williams
Dep. Tami Willis
Lt. Andy Wilson
Chief Nick Wright
Maj. Mike Yelton
Lt. Frank Young
Sgt. Billy Zerby
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